Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to all those out in Blog land.  This has got to be my favorite time of year and this year we spoiled our kids rotten.  I can not wait to be woken up tomorrow with my kids jumping up and down blurting out what Santa Claus brought.


Have a safe holiday!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Update on my little offspring

So this is what my little ones have been up to lately.

Cameron is becoming more and more independent everyday.  The word NOOOO!! is his favorite right now.  Little man is starting to become a tad bit more civilized when we take him places.  If you tell him to do something he understands and "usually" does it, he is a genius I tell you!!  So this morning I put Elmo on and he could seriously not give a crap.  Then this afternoon Spongebob comes on and he freezes, sits down and quietly watches??  Aye yi yi!! Did I just openly admit that I allow my almost 2 year old to watch T.V. (Don't worry I gave up on my mother of the year award long ago:)

Landon could not be more excited about Christmas.  The decorating speed is not quite to his liking, he wanted the tree, and Xmas lights up last weekend.  Well if mommy & daddy didn't go at 12:00 am on Black Friday to do there Christmas shopping it probably would have been done last weekend.  Then last night we kicked off the holiday season with his words not mine and yes I snickered loudly:)  "Who ha the red dose reindeer".  The lights and tree will be up this weekend so he should be a happy camper. 

Ryan has made huge strides the last 12 weeks.The medication we put him on helped tremedously with his ADHD but he was still having a hard time with Chase working out of town.  It was so bad that he would cry before school, baseball, or if I wasn't going somewhere with him.  It was a constant fear that something horrible was going to happen to me. I made an appointment with a child psychiatrist and he was diagnosed with ADHD and an anxiety disorder.  Fast forward to now and he has jumped up 3 reading levels, tested at a 97% in math, and received a life skills award at school.  I could not be prouder:)

Chase is still currently working out of town and I could not be more happy that his amazing company has steadily kept my husband working.  I'm holding down the fort here while he's gone:)

I'm back!!

I'm back!!

I needed to take a little break from blogging for a bit.  Some of my favorite must read blogs were going in a direction that after I read them I felt like crap.  I'm the type of parent where when I disagree with something I think to myself okay not my style but whatev.  Another reason for my little break if you will was all of these annoymous posters who feel they have balls the size of Texas and post little stabs at you while annonymously hiding behind a computer screen. First off why would you care so much about someone whom most likely you have never met??  Kind of stalkerish if you ask me...  and if you do know the person and don't like them great way to show them they get under your skin by visiting there blog and then commenting stupid stuff. I see bloggers respond with if you don't like my blog don't read it but my approach is more if you don't like my blog you can SUCK IT!! I can really give a flying fadoodle what you think of me.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Those are the words our pediatrician used when I took Ryan to his appointment last Monday. Let me back up for a minute. When Ryan was in Kindergarten he missed a lot of school. The reason for this is that from the end of Nov. to Feb. he had about 13 ear infections. Good times let me tell you, oh yeah and then go ahead and add asthma on top of that. Not fun!! So at the beginning of April he had surgery and his tonsil's and adenoids removed and talk about a huge difference. Since he missed so much school I discussed with his teacher about holding him back and it was her opinion that in doing so he would be bored out of his mind. So on to first grade we went and start week 3 my son is crying to go to school everyday.

The cool thing for me is that his teacher sends home a daily folder letting me know what they learned, did, and of course how well he behaved. Well my little social butterfly brought home a couple of warning's and some work that he didn't complete:( The awesome thing about me is that when something like this happens I assume the worst... The kids are being mean to him, he is struggling with his reading, and I'm a total failure as his mother. So after a very upsetting phone call from him on a Friday while he was at school I scheduled him an appointment to have him checked for A.D.D.

I pick him up on Friday and talk to his teacher about what is going on. Mrs. M explains to me that Ryan gets along with everyone, his reading and math are exactly where they need to be at this stage, and he is getting warning's because he talks when he should be doing his work and has a hard time staying on task. Go figure!! I finally found one of my gene traits. Sorry Kid!!

In case you don't know, Chase works out of town Sun-Thurs. and it's hard on everyone but I guess I didn't realize exactly how hard it's been on the kids:( So we have an amazing weekend and Sun. comes and he is sad all day knowing daddy is leaving again. We get through it and after going back and forth on whether or not to keep his appointment for Monday I decided to take him and see if she has some suggestions for me.

We get to the appointment and I fill out a questionnaire. The majority of the questions I filled out I answered with a 3. A 1 being rarely and a 3 a lot. Dr. D. comes in and begins to watch him while talking to me. I left out that when we were having issues with his ear's I brought up to the Physician's Asst. my concerns about him having A.D.D. since I have it and know the signs. We decided at that appointment to adjust his diet which really wasn't that bad but we didn't want to medicate at the age of 5. Now at the age of 6 we have adjusted the diet, and are doing behavior modification and we are still having issues. So Dr. D. tells me that by watching him she can tell that he is textbook A.D.D. and we can continue to do what we are doing which is great but so far his learning isn't affected by it but what if I do nothing and then he begins to slowly start getting behind. As his mother I felt it was in his best interest that since we were going in the right direction with his learning I don't want to do anything that can risk him getting behind and struggling to keep up. It was one thing to hold him back in Kindergarten but not something I want to have to do unless absolutely necessary at this age. I told her my concerns with the Ritalin so we have him on a very low dose and if we are unhappy with anything while he is on it we can modify it.

In the week he has been on it, Ryan has been playing quietly with his Lego's, brought home green which is great behavior for the last week and a half, and is looking forward to going to school. I have seen a 180 in behavior and am so happy that we caught this when we did.

Monday, August 30, 2010

YES!! I have 3 boys...

So it seems as if when I go shopping and complete strangers decide to strike up a conversation with me the first thing out of there mouth is "Wow, you have 3 boys?? "  "You must have your hands full." and then these people who I don't know will ask me "are you gonna try for that girl?" now I know that they are trying to be nice and have good intentions but did it ever occur to you that maybe I'm fine having 3 sons and if I ever decided to have another that I actually would want another son.   Having a daughter at this point scares the ever living crap outta me.

As a boy mom let me tell you all the wonderful things about these amazing healthy little boys that you may not know:)

1. A son loves his mommy and thinks she is the most beautiful mommy even when they get into trouble, and  they even love me with no makeup and my sweats on.
2. They love there little male parts from the day they are born
3. They love to pee outside
4. I am the first person they want when they don't feel good or are hurt
5. They always make sure that I'm taken care of
6. They don't like when I cry
7. They love to get dirty, scream, spit, climb, jump, and basically tear your house apart
8. I don't have to share a bathroom or my clothes with them when they get older and if I do we have way bigger problems then I thought:)

So yes they are a handful and I guess when people ask me this question I should simply reply with "Yes my hands are full but my heart is fuller and I wouldn't trade them for the world."

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Friday the 13th!!

So we had a busy Friday the 13th.  Our morning started out normal and within a few hours turned into complete craziness. 

Landon had his 4 year old check up and passed it with flying colors.  His 4 year old stats are:
31 lbs & 36 inches tall.  We are all ready to start preschool and I'm hoping it goes according to plan.

Cameron is my little tank. My little chunk's stats are:
26 lbs & 32 inches tall.  Little man is quickly catching up with his brothers:)

After we left the Dr's office we decided to hit up Miguel's for lunch.  I didn't feel like unloading so we got it to go. We get home and I bite into my yummy little piece of heaven bean, rice, and cheese burrito and the phone rings?? Ugh!!  It's my grandpa who is on vacation out of state calling to let me know that their house was just broken into. But get this the peeps are still in the house with the police there!!  Crazy!!  So we load the kids and arrange to have my sister pick Ryan up from school.  We get to there house and there are police car's everywhere...  So we pull onto the street and I roll my window down to tell the police officer who I am and why I'm there...  He tells me to park and they will come get me when I am able to go inside... So we wait & wait & we wait... finally they come over to get me and have me take a look inside.  Chase's cousin who is also a police officer that lives right around the corner came over to grab the kids for us so we could take a look.  I was told by another neighbor that a girl that I went to High School with's grandma noticed a strange car and called the police:)  Thank You to Jaymi's grandma the police where there within minutes.
So this is what went down...  J's grandma and another off duty police officer notice weird car parked um hello right in front of grandparents house at 12:30 in the afternoon and call police, the police arrive and suspect is still in car, officer approaches car 20 year old guy refuses to get out, officer has him at gunpoint, Suspect #2 comes cruising outside with my grandparents flat screen TV and sees officer with gun drawn on his buddy in the car and nicely sets the TV down and flees out the back door with suspect #3... So the police set up a perimeter and take suspect #1 and car into custody:)  he snitched on his 2 buddies by the time I was allowed to leave.  So I go inside and am able to see what was stolen or rummaged through.  Luckily with the quick response from neighbors they only got away with some of my grandma's jewelry that wasn't too valuable and the TV that the guy left at the front door. They had to be some of the dumbest robbers ever:)  So the police got the 3 thief's and the thief's got nothing.  Chase hooked the TV back up and closed the window they popped open and replaced the screen.

We then finished off the rest of our crazy day with a little Chuck e Cheese chaos...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back to School....

Ryan started school today. My oldest child is now a 1st grader... sniff sniff... We started our week off with an appointment to get his staples removed and a 1st grade physical. We had his 3 staples removed and 3 immunizations later we were on our way. My 6 year old weighed in at a whopping 51lbs and 48 inches tall:) So weird that when he was born he was 8lbs 3 oz 20 inches long and now look at him. It goes by so fast:(

Tuesday was our day that we purchased last minute school supplies, had a little Taco Tuesday at El Torito, and of course got a last minute haircut while telling me exactly what he was going to wear. I miss the days of being able to pick out his clothes. My son has a very unique style and I try really hard to pick my battles but when he comes in with a Hurley shirt, black striped pants, and throws his Dodger Jersey on top I have a very hard time keeping my mouth shut.

Wednesday morning came way to early... I like to have his stuff prepared and ready to go just like my mom used to do. We had his lunch packed and ready in the fridge, his clothes laid out, and his backpack sitting by the front door. This saves us from a huge fight on where he "thinks" he left his shoes at 6 in the morning. While he was getting dressed I made him the breakfast of champions... A strawberry Pop Tart at his request with a vitamin and glass of milk, he was so excited he couldn't eat so we went ahead and left. I pulled into the school parking lot and found a spot up close... Yes I am the mom who drives a Suburban and feels that most rules don't apply to me:) anyways back on topic we head to room G1 and while we wait he starts seeing a bunch of his Kindergarten friends, and then here comes his adorable (young) teacher:) You see I'm a younger mom and I feel like I'm treated diffrently because I have 3 small children and look like the babysitter. The even better part, she is a nice, young teacher... SCORE!! I walked him inside, put his name tag on and he told me see you later!! 6 hours later I picked my little stud up and he couldn't tell me enough about his new friends, and how HUGE the playground was:)

After our already eventful day we had our first Pony Baseball practice. Ryan was a tad bit apprehensive about going but had a blast while we were there. Talk about an awesome group of parents and coach!! Ryan is one of the younger players on the team but I think he will learn quite a bit from some of the older players. Chase was pretty bummed out that he wasn't able to make his first practice:( Chase is working out of town about 5 hours away for work right now and the hardest part for him is being away from us:) Luckily for me I was volunteered by my son to be Team Mom, this was after he announced to everyone that his mom didn't need to buy a egg protector because he was already wearing one... That kid I tell ya:) So I am the Team Mom for the get this name "Iron Pigs"?? I was kind of like huh?? at first but it's growing on me.... The colors for our team are Red, Silver, and White.

So that was our eventful first day of school and now it's midnight and I'm going to bed...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Update... Finally...

So it has been 3 months since I blogged last. It is now August and the Summer is almost over. Here is a little recap with what my little family has been up to these last few months.

Ryan has officially graduated Kindergarten and will be starting first grade next week. Am I the only person who remember's when school started the week after labor day?? We survived our first season of baseball as Team Mom, Assistant Coach, Player, and Fan club. Ryan will be starting Pony Winterball in the next few weeks and I am so excited that all of his games will be on Sunday. We also did our 2nd trip to the ER this week. The thing about having 3 sons is they are wild and rambunctious. They find it funny to hit and torture one another. Well Landon thought it would be oh so funny to pull Ryan's leg while he was trying to climb into his bed. Wanna know what happens next?? Yep 3 staples in the back of the head from where Ryan's head and the most unforgiving part of the wall met:( Thank goodness for insurance we use it quite a bit.

Next up is Landon... Where do I begin with Landon?? We made a trip with him to the ER a few weeks ago because Ryan stuck a Q tip to far into his ear and it was bleeding. I freaked and rushed him to the ER thinking that his ear drum was ruptured. Luckily the ear canal was scratched and only required some ointment. Landon will be starting preschool in the next few weeks so that should be an adventure with I'm sure many blog worthy stories. Only one more year and I will have 2 in baseball.

Baby Cameron is my little breathe of fresh air. I scored with this child:) My kids have all been awesome but Cam is my easiest. The child is happy from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed. It amazes me how in a little over a year and a half how independent and smart they are. I love watching him blossom into this little person amazed at every little thing in this world. The downsize of my 30lb bundle of joy?? Cam is a hitter, screamer, and thrower. You know the people sitting at the table with the 3 kids and you don't want to be seated near them??? Yep that would be me and my family:) We are banned from restuarants until Cameron becomes how can I put this?? More civilized...

So you probaby wonder why I have no pictures on my blog... well it is easy I suck:) just kidding but really I can not find my cable that plugs into my computer and so I am cannot upload pics of my adorable children. Trust me if I could you would be like okay enough already. You may ask yourself why don't you buy another cable?? The truth is I want a DSLR camera... I love to read all the blogs with gorgeous pics of their kiddos... The problem trying to convince my husband that I "need" said camera. I'm working on it I just need him to also think we need this camera:)

That is it for now... I promise I will try and be a better blogger but I love to blog stalk much more:)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A-Z All about me...

I saw this fun little A-Z questionnaire on a few blogs and decided I would do it! I always want to fill these things out but always forget to go back and copy and paste them.

A. AREA CODE : 909 I can't change it:( So I'm still a 909'er when It comes to my cell phone.

B. BED SIZE: King! I get random nightly visitors so this suits us just fine...

C. CHORE YOU HATE: I HATE cleaning the bathroom especially with all these boys in my house...

D. DOG'S NAME: Brandee The Boxer

E. ESSENTIAL "START THE DAY!" ITEM: Washing my face with a wash cloth...



H. HEIGHT: 5'3"

I. INSTRUMENTS YOU PLAY: I played the flute wasn't very good:(

J. Job: Love it. SAHM:)

K. KIDS: 3 boys...


N. NICKNAME: Bree, BB, Breezy, Beezer, Babe

M.MOM'S NAME: Cheryl


P.PET PEEVE: Know it all mom's

Q.QUOTE FROM A MOVIE: If your not first your (Ricky Bobby)


S. SIBLINGS: 2 sisters

T. TIME YOU WAKE UP: Between 7 & 8



W. WAYS/REASONS YOU ARE LATE: I have 4 people to get ready

X. XRAYS YOU'VE HAD: 4 or 5 I was a klutz

Y. YUMMY FOOD YOU MAKE: Watergate Salad


Saturday, May 1, 2010

I've been a bad blogger...

So my sister informed me today that I am a horrible blogger. The truth is I haven't had much to blog about or that I think is interesting enough for you to read.
I mean who wants to read that I wake up, the kids eat breakfast, Ryan get's ready for school, Ryan and Landon fight before I take Ryan to school, I load two kids into two carseats and one into a booster, we drive 2 min to Foothill where Ryan and Landon continue to fight some more, I come back home and unload the two carseats, straighten up, put a load of laundry in, make lunch, blog and facebook while Cameron naps and Landon watches Spongebob enjoying my peace and quite, then it's time to load up again to sit in front of the school for a half an hour because I have to then lug 2 small children across the street to get Ryan and that is the only time I am able to get a decent parking spot, load kids in car for 3rd time the older 2 fight again on the 2 min drive home, and then we do homework, play outside, eat dinner, go on our nightly walk, bath time, and then it's bed time:) I need an activity for myself and for the kids so I think I'm going to start doing Stroller Strides with my younger 2... What a good way to stay in shape, meet other mom's, and keep the kids occupied...

In other new's Ryan loves Baseball... It is amazing to see in the last few weeks how much improvement he has made... The whole family came to watch him today and he did awesome... My little catcher was having so much fun, and got 3 really good hit's in... Chase is enjoying being an assistant coach and I like helping out too...

Landon is going to be 4 in a few days and I can not believe how fast he is growing up. I asked what he wanted for his birthday and he said an Iron Man fishing pole:) That is easy enough... I also started looking into some preschool's for him... I did Parks & Rec with Ryan and was really happy with the program and you can't beat $140 a month...

My little man is learning so much each day... Cameron is walking but still chooses to crawl to get to places quickly, and he is talking more and more each day. A few of his favorites are:
Alan ( my dad's name and the most clear)
Thank you

That's it for now...

Friday, April 9, 2010

I'm ready for this week to be over...

It's been over a week since I blogged last... My week has sucked @$$:( Ryan's surgery went great and while he is recovering nicely it is so hard to try and get a six year old little boy to sit, and just rest. He does great with some discomfort during the day but when he sleeps at night his throat get's dry and he wakes up every 2-4 hours crying in pain... I have a glass of water, and his humidifier running nothing helps but his pain medicine and he hates taking it... He has started to talk more and I'm hoping the way he sounds is only temporary because it is a mixture of a chipmunk that sucked on helium, and a whiny little girl...

Then yesterday while I was home our little dog Harley got hurt very badly and we had to have him put to sleep... It was a very traumatic day and I don't feel like re telling it because it was very upsetting:( Check out my sis's blog if you want to know exactly what happened...

We did have an amazing easter... The easter bunny found us fine and delivered baskets full of river toys:) Some how Cameron's basket was completely empty and the other two had more toys then I remember... The boys enjoyed the easter egg hunt and were even more excited when some of the eggs had candy and money in them.

Chase's work has picked up some new jobs which is great but in the mean time they have no where to put him so for the time being he is at home:( Just start to get ahead and then the carpet gets pulled again... At least he has a job and its temporary.... Still sucks!

Landon has been concerned with Ryan this last week which was very sweet. Now that Ry is a little more up and around the fighting has started all over again... He is looking forward to his 4th birthday next month.

Cam is going to be walking any day now:) He can now stand straight up with no assistance... I love this stage:)


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby Goats, Easter eggs and Surgery...

We had a great day today, one of the ladies my mom works with breeds goats and her newest ones were born on March 8 and she invited us over today to meet them. They were adorable and so funny to watch. The kids had a blast and we also got to meet her llama's and turtles Homer and Henry. Homer was the baby and he was so cute. Ryan got to hold him and he got a little scared when his leg touched his arm and he ended up dropping him... Homer was fine but I about had a heart attack that he got dropped.
After our farm adventure we were having the whole family over to color Easter eggs and eat dinner. Most of you may not know how competitive me and my sister's are when it comes to Easter egg coloring. I like to mix the coolest colors, Stacey has to have the hottest pink one, and Katies's eggs have to be perfect:) Its alot of fun but surprisingly this year I think we enjoyed watching Landon drop his eggs one after the other and Ryan get creative with his eggs. Cameron didn't have a good nap today so he was cranky and just wanted to go to bed...
Today was a nice distraction since tomorrow is the day we find out what time Ryan has surgery on Friday. Ryan has been having issues with his ears for quite some time now and since he has had multiple (14) earaches since November he is having tubes put in, and his tonsil's and adnoids taken out. I am a nervous wreck since he will be under general anesthesia, and I feel horrible that he is going to be in alot of pain afterwards. I know the end result will be worth it since he will be able to hear so much better, and the dr said it will help tremendously with his astma. Keep us in your prayers on Friday.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mommy Makeover

Where do I begin?? I am in need of a mommy makeover:( I have given birth to 3 healthy children and put on between 25-60 lbs each time... This has taken its toll on my body... My boobies look like deflated balloons, my stomach has been stretched out so many times it doesn't remember what it's suppose to look like, gravity is taking its toll on my ass, and to top all this glamorous stuff off I pee when I sneeze... As much as I would love to invest $10,000+ to be tucked and sucked it's just not in my deck of cards at the moment... You see I've started my own skincare business which I love, but with this wonderful economy it isn't exactly where I would like it to be, and then there is the other little reminder that my husband wants to buy a house in the next year or two and that too rates over my wants... So instead of feeling sorry for myself I started working out and dieting:) I'm down 3 lbs but boy working out sucks!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

What this blog will be about...

This blog will consist of a lot of talking about my children and how wonderful I think they are... As much as I love my little heathens there are times where I want to place these adorable offspring of mine on craigslist with a small rehoming fee and I will blog about that too:)
Let me introduce you to the focal point of my blog:
The Mommy (The fairy that does everything around our house)
I'm the creator of this blog and I'm a stay at home mommy... I also own a skincare business and work part time in a salon. I love being a mommy and wouldn't trade it for anything...
The Hubby (The Provider)
I love this man but he drives me up the wall 90% of the time:) As much as he drives me crazy he puts the roof over our head, the gas in my car, and the food in our mouths... I can't complain to much about this guy...
My Oldest (The sweet one):
This child brings a smile to my face whenever he enters the room... My 6 year old has a heart of gold, and is also an accident waiting to happen... If there is something that can be spilled or broken he just has to look or breathe in that direction and immediate destruction will occur... The amazing thing is that with as klutzy as my #1 may be this kid is amazing on his BMX bike...
My Middle Child (The Taurus)
Where do I start with my #2??? Handful?? yes! Middle Child Syndrome ??yes! Total mama's boy?? yes!... If this 3 year old could climb back into my uterus and stay there he would... I love him to death but he is very exhausting and a complete opposite of #1... He likes to play it safe and everything he does is done with caution...
The Baby (The happy one)
God had mercy on me after #2... This child could not be anymore perfect... From the time he wakes up (9:00am gotta love that) until he goes to sleep this little man laughs and plays all day long... We just celebrated his 1st birthday so there are many milestones to be blogged about...
This is our little family of 5