Monday, March 29, 2010

What this blog will be about...

This blog will consist of a lot of talking about my children and how wonderful I think they are... As much as I love my little heathens there are times where I want to place these adorable offspring of mine on craigslist with a small rehoming fee and I will blog about that too:)
Let me introduce you to the focal point of my blog:
The Mommy (The fairy that does everything around our house)
I'm the creator of this blog and I'm a stay at home mommy... I also own a skincare business and work part time in a salon. I love being a mommy and wouldn't trade it for anything...
The Hubby (The Provider)
I love this man but he drives me up the wall 90% of the time:) As much as he drives me crazy he puts the roof over our head, the gas in my car, and the food in our mouths... I can't complain to much about this guy...
My Oldest (The sweet one):
This child brings a smile to my face whenever he enters the room... My 6 year old has a heart of gold, and is also an accident waiting to happen... If there is something that can be spilled or broken he just has to look or breathe in that direction and immediate destruction will occur... The amazing thing is that with as klutzy as my #1 may be this kid is amazing on his BMX bike...
My Middle Child (The Taurus)
Where do I start with my #2??? Handful?? yes! Middle Child Syndrome ??yes! Total mama's boy?? yes!... If this 3 year old could climb back into my uterus and stay there he would... I love him to death but he is very exhausting and a complete opposite of #1... He likes to play it safe and everything he does is done with caution...
The Baby (The happy one)
God had mercy on me after #2... This child could not be anymore perfect... From the time he wakes up (9:00am gotta love that) until he goes to sleep this little man laughs and plays all day long... We just celebrated his 1st birthday so there are many milestones to be blogged about...
This is our little family of 5