Ryan started school today. My oldest child is now a 1st grader... sniff sniff... We started our week off with an appointment to get his staples removed and a 1st grade physical. We had his 3 staples removed and 3 immunizations later we were on our way. My 6 year old weighed in at a whopping 51lbs and 48 inches tall:) So weird that when he was born he was 8lbs 3 oz 20 inches long and now look at him. It goes by so fast:(
Tuesday was our day that we purchased last minute school supplies, had a little Taco Tuesday at El Torito, and of course got a last minute haircut while telling me exactly what he was going to wear. I miss the days of being able to pick out his clothes. My son has a very unique style and I try really hard to pick my battles but when he comes in with a Hurley shirt, black striped pants, and throws his Dodger Jersey on top I have a very hard time keeping my mouth shut.
Wednesday morning came way to early... I like to have his stuff prepared and ready to go just like my mom used to do. We had his lunch packed and ready in the fridge, his clothes laid out, and his backpack sitting by the front door. This saves us from a huge fight on where he "thinks" he left his shoes at 6 in the morning. While he was getting dressed I made him the breakfast of champions... A strawberry Pop Tart at his request with a vitamin and glass of milk, he was so excited he couldn't eat so we went ahead and left. I pulled into the school parking lot and found a spot up close... Yes I am the mom who drives a Suburban and feels that most rules don't apply to me:) anyways back on topic we head to room G1 and while we wait he starts seeing a bunch of his Kindergarten friends, and then here comes his adorable (young) teacher:) You see I'm a younger mom and I feel like I'm treated diffrently because I have 3 small children and look like the babysitter. The even better part, she is a nice, young teacher... SCORE!! I walked him inside, put his name tag on and he told me see you later!! 6 hours later I picked my little stud up and he couldn't tell me enough about his new friends, and how HUGE the playground was:)
After our already eventful day we had our first Pony Baseball practice. Ryan was a tad bit apprehensive about going but had a blast while we were there. Talk about an awesome group of parents and coach!! Ryan is one of the younger players on the team but I think he will learn quite a bit from some of the older players. Chase was pretty bummed out that he wasn't able to make his first practice:( Chase is working out of town about 5 hours away for work right now and the hardest part for him is being away from us:) Luckily for me I was volunteered by my son to be Team Mom, this was after he announced to everyone that his mom didn't need to buy a egg protector because he was already wearing one... That kid I tell ya:) So I am the Team Mom for the get this name "Iron Pigs"?? I was kind of like huh?? at first but it's growing on me.... The colors for our team are Red, Silver, and White.
So that was our eventful first day of school and now it's midnight and I'm going to bed...
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