Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas to all those out in Blog land.  This has got to be my favorite time of year and this year we spoiled our kids rotten.  I can not wait to be woken up tomorrow with my kids jumping up and down blurting out what Santa Claus brought.


Have a safe holiday!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Update on my little offspring

So this is what my little ones have been up to lately.

Cameron is becoming more and more independent everyday.  The word NOOOO!! is his favorite right now.  Little man is starting to become a tad bit more civilized when we take him places.  If you tell him to do something he understands and "usually" does it, he is a genius I tell you!!  So this morning I put Elmo on and he could seriously not give a crap.  Then this afternoon Spongebob comes on and he freezes, sits down and quietly watches??  Aye yi yi!! Did I just openly admit that I allow my almost 2 year old to watch T.V. (Don't worry I gave up on my mother of the year award long ago:)

Landon could not be more excited about Christmas.  The decorating speed is not quite to his liking, he wanted the tree, and Xmas lights up last weekend.  Well if mommy & daddy didn't go at 12:00 am on Black Friday to do there Christmas shopping it probably would have been done last weekend.  Then last night we kicked off the holiday season with his words not mine and yes I snickered loudly:)  "Who ha the red dose reindeer".  The lights and tree will be up this weekend so he should be a happy camper. 

Ryan has made huge strides the last 12 weeks.The medication we put him on helped tremedously with his ADHD but he was still having a hard time with Chase working out of town.  It was so bad that he would cry before school, baseball, or if I wasn't going somewhere with him.  It was a constant fear that something horrible was going to happen to me. I made an appointment with a child psychiatrist and he was diagnosed with ADHD and an anxiety disorder.  Fast forward to now and he has jumped up 3 reading levels, tested at a 97% in math, and received a life skills award at school.  I could not be prouder:)

Chase is still currently working out of town and I could not be more happy that his amazing company has steadily kept my husband working.  I'm holding down the fort here while he's gone:)

I'm back!!

I'm back!!

I needed to take a little break from blogging for a bit.  Some of my favorite must read blogs were going in a direction that after I read them I felt like crap.  I'm the type of parent where when I disagree with something I think to myself okay not my style but whatev.  Another reason for my little break if you will was all of these annoymous posters who feel they have balls the size of Texas and post little stabs at you while annonymously hiding behind a computer screen. First off why would you care so much about someone whom most likely you have never met??  Kind of stalkerish if you ask me...  and if you do know the person and don't like them great way to show them they get under your skin by visiting there blog and then commenting stupid stuff. I see bloggers respond with if you don't like my blog don't read it but my approach is more if you don't like my blog you can SUCK IT!! I can really give a flying fadoodle what you think of me.