It's been over a week since I blogged last... My week has sucked @$$:( Ryan's surgery went great and while he is recovering nicely it is so hard to try and get a six year old little boy to sit, and just rest. He does great with some discomfort during the day but when he sleeps at night his throat get's dry and he wakes up every 2-4 hours crying in pain... I have a glass of water, and his humidifier running nothing helps but his pain medicine and he hates taking it... He has started to talk more and I'm hoping the way he sounds is only temporary because it is a mixture of a chipmunk that sucked on helium, and a whiny little girl...
Then yesterday while I was home our little dog Harley got hurt very badly and we had to have him put to sleep... It was a very traumatic day and I don't feel like re telling it because it was very upsetting:( Check out my sis's blog if you want to know exactly what happened...
We did have an amazing easter... The easter bunny found us fine and delivered baskets full of river toys:) Some how Cameron's basket was completely empty and the other two had more toys then I remember... The boys enjoyed the easter egg hunt and were even more excited when some of the eggs had candy and money in them.
Chase's work has picked up some new jobs which is great but in the mean time they have no where to put him so for the time being he is at home:( Just start to get ahead and then the carpet gets pulled again... At least he has a job and its temporary.... Still sucks!
Landon has been concerned with Ryan this last week which was very sweet. Now that Ry is a little more up and around the fighting has started all over again... He is looking forward to his 4th birthday next month.
Cam is going to be walking any day now:) He can now stand straight up with no assistance... I love this stage:)
DIY Tutu Tutorial: Tiktok Video
3 weeks ago